
Here I want to give you an insight to my library:
Title | Author | ISBN | Publisher | Year |
A Biographical Memorial of General Daniel Butterfield | Butterfield, Julia Lorrilard Safford | 9789353703905 | Alpha Editions | 2019 |
A complete treatise on field fortifications | Mahan, Dennis Hart | n/a | Wiley & Long | 1836 |
A concise system of instructions and regulations for the militia and volunteers of the United States | Cooper, Samuel | n/a | Desilver, Robert P. | 1836 |
A diary of battle, The Persoanl Journals of Colonel Charles S. Wainwright | Wainwright, Charles Shiels & Nevins, Allan | 1-879664-15-1 | Stan Clark Military Books | 1962 |
A just and righteous cause. Benjamin H. Grierson's civil war memoir | Grierson, Benjamin Henry | 9780809328598 | Southern Illinois University | 2008 |
A Narrative of Military Service | Hazen, William Babcock | 9781297526459 | Scholar Select | 2018 |
A Soldier's Honor with Reminiscences of Major-General Earl Van Dorn by his Comrades | Unknown | n/a | The Abbey Press Publishers | 2021 |
A Soldiers Reminiscences in Peace and War | Johnson, Richard Woodhouse | n/a | J.B. Lippincott & Co. | 2021 |
A system of target practice for the use of troops when armed with the musket, rifle-musket, rifle, or carbine | Heth, Henry | 1436754046 | Kessinger Publishing | 2008 |
A Traveler in Indian Territory, The Journal of Ethan Allen Hitchcock | Foreman, Grant | 9780806128405 | University of Oklahoma Press | 1996 |
A treatise on military law and the practice of courts-martial | Benet, Stephen Vincent | n/a | D. van Nostrand | 1862 |
A treatise on military surveying | Jackson, Basil | 1436995566 | Kessinger Publishing | 2008 |
A treatise on the tactical use of the three arms - infantry, artillery and cavalry (1865) | Lippitt, Francis J. | 9781164226154 | Kessinger Publishing | 2010 |
A Virginia yankee in the civil war | Strother, David Hunter | n/a | The University of North Carolina Press | 1961 |
A Volunteers Adventures, a union captain's record of the civil war ![]() | De Forest, John William | n/a | Yale University Press | 1946 |
Adelbert Ames - General, Senator, Governor | Ames, Blanche | n/a | Macdonald & Co. (Publishers) Ltd. | 1964 |
Alexander "Fighting Elleck" Hays, The Life of a Civil War General , From West Point to the Wilderness ![]() | Mahood, Wayne | 0-7864-2213-0 | McFarland & Company, Inc. | 2005 |
All for the Union, The Civil War Diary and Letters of Elisha Hunt Rhodes | Rhodes, Elisha Hunt | 978-0-679-73828-2 | Vintage Civil War Library | 1992 |
Allatoona. A historical and military drama in five acts | Kilpatrick, Hugh Judson | 9781168012937 | Kessinger Publishing | 2011 |
American Military Horsemanship, The Military Riding Seat of the United States Cavalry, 1792 through 1944 | Ottevaere, James A. | 9781420855517 | Authorhouse | 2005 |
An American Apprenticeship - The Letters of Emil Frey 1860-1865 | Frey, Emil | 0-8204-0296-6 | Peter Lang Publishing Inc. | 1986 |
An elementary course of civil engineering | Mahan, Dennis Hart | n/a | Wiley, John | 1854 |
An elementary treatise on advanced-guard, out-post, and detachment service of troops | Mahan, Dennis Hart | n/a | Wiley, John | 1861 |
An elementary treatise on advanced-guard, out-post, and detachment service of troops | Mahan, Dennis Hart | n/a | C & D Jarnagin | Unknown |
Andrew Atkinson Humphreys, A Biography | Humphreys, Henry H. | n/a | The John C. Winston Company | 1924 |
Army letters 1861-1865 | Norton, Oliver Willcox | 9781165296033 | Kessinger Publishing | 2010 |
Army officer's pocket companion | Craighill, William Price | 0811700208 | Stackpole Books | 2002 |
Army registers 1861-1864 | Adjutant General's Office | n/a | Government Printing Office | 1865 |
Atlas of the civil war, month by month. Major battles and troop movements | Swenson, Mark | 0820326585 | University of Georgia Press | 2004 |
Atlas to accompany the official records | Davis, George B. & others | 0760750440 | Barnes & Noble | 2003 |
Attack and Die - civil war military tactics and the southern heritage | McWhiney, Grady & Jamieson, Perry D. | 0-8173-0073-2 | The University of Alabama Press | 1982 |
August Valentine Kautz, biography of a civil war General | Kautz, Lawrence G. | 9780786433230 | McFarland & Company Inc. | 2008 |
Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard | Howard, Oliver Otis | n/a | The Baker & Taylor Company | 1907 |
Bad Hand, A Biography of General Ranald S. Mackenzie | Robinson, Charles M. | 1-880510-00-6 | State House Press | 1993 |
Battle tactics of the american civil war | Griffith, Paddy | 1861264607 | The Crowood Press Ltd. | 2001 |
Bayonet! Forward, my civil war reminiscences | Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence | 1879664216 | Stan Clark Military Books | 1994 |
Border reminiscences | Marcy, Randolph Barnes | 1169864325 | Kessinger Publishing | 2011 |
Brandy Station to Manila Bay. A biography of General Wesley Merritt | Alberts, Donald E. | 0686261062 | Presidial Press | 1981 |
Burnside | Marvel, William | 0-8078-1983-2 | The University of North Carolina Press | 1991 |
Cadet life at West Point | Anonymous | n/a | T.O.H.P. Burnham | 1862 |
Camp and outpost duty for infantry | Butterfield, Daniel Adams | n/a | Harper & Brothers | 1863 |
Camp and outpost duty for infantry | Butterfield, Daniel Adams | 0811700674 | Stackpole Books | 2003 |
Campaigning with Grant | Porter, Horace | 0-914427-70-9 | William S. Konecky Associates Inc. | 1992 |
Captain Phil | Thomas, M. M. | n/a | Henry Holt & Co. | 1884 |
Capture of Fort Fisher | Ames, Adelbert | 978-1-4622-9515-9 | Repressed Publishing LLC | 2015 |
Cavalry tactics (1841, Poinsett's) | Unknown | n/a | J.B. Lippincott & Co. | 1862 |
Cavalry tactics (1862, Cooke's) | Cooke, Philip St. George | n/a | Government Printing Office | 1862 |
Cavalry tactics (1862, Cooke's) | Cooke, Philip St. George | 081170114X | Stackpole Books | 2004 |
Cavalry tactics (1873, Upton's) | Upton, Emory | n/a | Invictus | 2004 |
Cavalry tactics as illustrated by the war of rebellion. Together with many interesting facts important for cavalry to know | Gray, Alonzo | n/a | Press of Ketcheson Printing Co. | 1910 |
Cavalry tactics as illustrated by the war of rebellion. Together with many interesting facts important for cavalry to know | Gray, Alonzo | 0548952019 | Kessinger Publishing | 2008 |
Chancellorsville and Gettysburg | Doubleday, Abner | 9780559097447 | BiblioBazaar | 2008 |
Citizen-General, Jacob Dolson Cox and the Civil War Era | Schmiel, Eugene D. | 9780821420829 | Ohio University Press | 2014 |
Civil war in the making, 1815-1860 | Craven, Avery Odelle | 0807101311 | Louisiana State University | 1959 |
Civil War Infantry Tactics, Training - Combat - and Small-Unit effectiveness | Hess, Earl J. | 9780807159378 | Louisiana State University Press | 2015 |
Colonels in Blue - Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont | Hunt, Roger D. | 0-7643-1290-1 | Schiffer Publishing Ltd. | 2001 |
Colonels in Blue - Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin | Hunt, Roger D. | 9780786498550 | McFarland & Company Inc. | 2017 |
Colonels in Blue - Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee | Hunt, Roger D. | 9780786473182 | McFarland & Company Inc. | 2014 |
Colonels in Blue - Michigan, Ohio and West Virginia | Hunt, Roger D. | 9780786461554 | McFarland & Company Inc. | 2011 |
Colonels in Blue - Missouri and the Western States and Territories | Hunt, Roger D. | 9781476675893 | McFarland & Company Inc. | 2019 |
Colonels in Blue - New York | Hunt, Roger D. | 0-7643-1771-7 | Schiffer Publishing Ltd. | 2003 |
Colonels in Blue - Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia | Hunt, Roger D. | 9780811702539 | McFarland & Company Inc. | 2007 |
Confederates in the Attic ![]() | Horwitz, Tony | 0-679-43978-1 | Pantheon Books | 1998 |
Congdon's Cavalry Compendium | Congdon, James Adams | n/a | J.B. Lippincott & Co. | 2021 |
Corporal Si Klegg and his "Pard" ![]() | Hinman, Wilbur F. | n/a | N.G. Hamilton & Co. | 1890 |
Customs of service for non-commissioned officers and soldiers | Kautz, August Valentine | n/a | J.B. Lippincott & Co. | 1865 |
Customs of service for non-commissioned officers and soldiers | Kautz, August Valentine | 811703991 | Stackpole Books | 2001 |
Customs of service for officers of the army | Kautz, August Valentine | n/a | J.B. Lippincott & Co. | 1884 |
Customs of service for officers of the army | Kautz, August Valentine | 0811700062 | Stackpole Books | 2002 |
David Gregg, Pennsylvania cavalryman | Burgess, Milton V. | n/a | Nittany Valley Offset | 1984 |
Dragoon or Cavalryman, Major General John Buford in the American Civil War | Stricker, Mark R. | 9781499110722 | Unknown Print on Demand | 2015 |
Drei Jahre in der Potomac-Armee oder eine Schweizer Schützen-Compagnie im nordamerikanischen Kriege | Aschmann, Rudolf | 9781241768728 | Buchdruckerei von Fr. Lang | 2021 |
E.V. Sumner. Major general U.S. army | Stanley, F. | n/a | Jim Hess Printers | 1968 |
Early Life and Letters of General Thomas J. Jackson ![]() | Arnold, Thomas Jackson | n/a | n/a | 2023 |
Edward J. Steptoe and the Indian Wars, Life on the Frontier, 1815-1865 | McFarland, Ron | 9781476662329 | McFarland & Company Inc. | 2016 |
Elements of military art and science | Halleck, Henry Wager | n/a | D. Appleton & Company | 1860 |
Emory Upton, Misunderstood Reformer | Fitzpatrick, David J. | 9780806157207 | University of Oklahoma Press | 2017 |
Fear Was Not in Him, The Civil War Letters of Major General Francis C. Barlow | Samito, Christian G. | 9780823223237 | Fordham University Press | 2004 |
Fife years a dragoon | Lowe, Percival G. | 0-8061-1089-9 | University of Oklahoma Press | 1965 |
Fifty Years in Camp and Field, Diary of Major-General Ethan Allen Hitchcock | Hitchcock, Ethan Allen | 9781346064178 | Scholar Select | 2019 |
Fighting for the Confederacy, The Personal Recollections of General Edward Porter Alexander | Alexander, Edward Porter | 978-0-8078-4722-0 | The University of North Carolina Press | 1989 |
Fighting Joe Hooker | Hebert, Walter H. | 0-942211-94-4 | Olde Soldier Books, Inc. | 1987 |
Forgotten Valor; The Memoirs, Journals & Civil War Letters of Orlando B. Willcox | Willcox, Orlando Bolivar | 0-87338-628-0 | The Kent State Univerity Press | 1992 |
Forty-six years in the army | Schofield, John McAllister | n/a | The Century Co. | 1897 |
Four Years with Five Armies | Gause, Isaac | n/a | The Neale Publishing Company | 2021 |
General Crook and the western frontier | Robinson, Charles M. | 0-8061-3358-9 | University of Oklahoma Press | 2001 |
General George Crook. His autobiography | Crook, George R. | n/a | University of Oklahoma Press | 1960 |
General George Wright - Guardian of the Pacific Coast | Schlicke, Carl Paul | 0-8061-2149-1 | University of Oklahoma Press | 1988 |
General Henry Baxter, 7th Michigan Volunteer Infantry, A Biography ![]() | Martin, Jay C. | 978-1-4766-6339-5 | McFarland & Company, Inc. | 2016 |
General John Buford, a military biography | Longacre, Edward G. | 0306812746 | Da Capo Press | 1995 |
General John Fulton Reynolds - His Biography, Words and Relations | Knorr, Lawrence & Riley, Michael A. & Watson, Diane E. | 9781452826134 | Sunbury Press | 2013 |
General John Sedgwick, The Story of a Union Corps Commander | Winslow, Richard Elliott | 0-89141-030-9 | Presidio Press | 1982 |
General Reub Williams's Memories of Civil War Times ![]() | Hogan, Sally Coplen | 978-0-7884-2517-2 | Heritage Books, Inc. | 2015 |
General William Jenkins Worth - Monterey's Forgotten Hero | Wallace, Edward Seccomb | n/a | Southern Methodist University Press | 1953 |
General William S. Harney, Prince of Dragoons | Adams, George Rollie | 0-8032-1058-2 | University of Nebraska Press | 2001 |
George Stoneman, a biography of the union General | Fourney, Ben Fuller | 9780786432257 | McFarland & Company Inc. | 2008 |
Gettysburg & Leadership, Principles for today's leaders from the most terrible battle fought in America | Osterhaus, James P. | 978-1-64003-785-4 | Covenant Books | 2018 |
Grant's Cavalryman. The life and wars of General James H. Wilson | Longacre, Edward G. | 0-8117-2780-7 | Stackpole Books | 2000 |
Happiness is not my companion - Biography of General Gouverneur K. Warren | Jordan, David M | 0-253-33904-9 | Indiana University Press | 2001 |
Hardtack and coffee | Billings, John Davis | n/a | George M. Smith & Co. | 1887 |
History of the 2nd Regiment West Virginia Cavalry Volunteers | Sutton, Joseph J. | 0962886653 | Blue Acorn Press | 1992 |
History of the U.S. cavalry | Brackett, Albert Gallatin | n/a | Harper & Brothers | 1865 |
Horse equipment of the civil war era | Crouch, Howard R. | 0967073162 | SCS Publications | 2003 |
Horses, Saddles and Bridles | Carter, William Harding | n/a | Ketcheson & Reeves | 1895 |
How Private George W. Peck put Down the Rebellion or, The Funny Experiences of a raw Recruit | Peck, George W. | 9781356014866 | Scholar Select | 2019 |
How the north won | Hattaway, Herman & Jones, Archer | 0-252-00918-5 | University of Illinois | 1983 |
Infantry Tactics (1867, Upton's) | Upton, Emory | n/a | D. Appleton and Company | 1872 |
Inside Lincoln's Army, The Diary of Marsena R. Patrick | Patrick, Marsena Rudolph & Sparks, David S. | n/a | A.S. Barnes and Company, Inc. | 1964 |
Instruction for field artillery (1863 authorized) | French, William Henry & Barry, William Farquhar & Hunt, Henry Jackson | n/a | J.B. Lippincott & Co. | 1863 |
Instruction for field artillery (1863 authorized) | French, William Henry & Barry, William Farquhar & Hunt, Henry Jackson | 081170131X | Stackpole Books | 2005 |
Instructions for making quarterly returns of ordnance and ordnance stores | Unknown | n/a | Government Printing Office | 1863 |
Instructions for making quarterly returns of ordnance and ordnance stores | Unknown | n/a | Invictus | 2003 |
Instructions for officers on outpost and patrol duty | Unknown | n/a | Unknown | 1862 |
John Randolph (1898) | Adams, Henry | 9780548659809 | Kessinger Publishing | 2007 |
Journal of army life | Glisan, Rodney | 978-1-4622-5950-2 | Repressed Publishing LLC | 2015 |
Kentuckian in blue, A Biography of Major General Lovell Harrison Rousseau | Lee, Dan | 9780786448180 | McFarland & Company Inc. | 2010 |
Kilpatrick and our cavalry | Moore, James | n/a | W.J. Widdleton | 1865 |
Knapsack and rifle. Or, life in the grand army | Patrick, Robert W. | 9781165400690 | Kessinger Publishing | 2010 |
Life and services of Maj. Gen. John A. Rawlins | Shaw, John M. | n/a | Co-operative Printing Co. | Unknown |
Lincoln's abolitionist General, the biography of David Hunter | Miller, Edward A. | 157003110X | University of South Carolina | 1997 |
Loyal hearts | Zucchero, Michael | 1889246573 | Schroeder Publications | 2009 |
Major General Andrew Atkinson Humphreys | Humphreys, Henry H. | 9781298637284 | Scholar Select | 2018 |
Major General George H. Sharpe and the Creation of American Military Intelligence in the Civil War ![]() | Tsouras, Peter G. | 978-1-61200-647-5 | Casemate Publishers | 2018 |
Manual for army cooks | Unknown | n/a | Government Printing Office | 1879 |
Manual for engineer troops | Duane, James Chatham | n/a | Unknown | Unknown |
Manual for infantry officers | Gilchrist, J. G. | n/a | A.C. McClurg & Company | 1890 |
Manual for quartermasters | Hunter, Robert Finley | n/a | D. van Nostrand | 1864 |
Manual of arms for the sharps rifle, colt revolver and swords | Johnson, Richard Woodhouse | n/a | Unknown | Unknown |
Manual of bayonet exercise. Prepared for the use of the army of the United States | McClellan, George Brinton | n/a | Lippincott, Grambo & Co. | 1852 |
Manual of bayonet exercise. Prepared for the use of the army of the United States | McClellan, George Brinton | n/a | Crescent City Sutler | Unknown |
Mary Chesnut's Civil War | Chesnut, Mary | 0300029799 | Yale University Press | 1993 |
Meade of Gettysburg | Cleaves, Freeman | n/a | University of Oklahoma Press | 1960 |
Memoir of Brevet Major General Robert Ogden Tyler ![]() | Cullum, George Washington | 978-1-0168-9870-6 | Legare Street Press | 2023 |
Memoirs | Sherman, William Tecumseh | 0140437983 | Penguin Classics | 2000 |
Memoirs of My Life By John Charles Fremont Part 1 | Fremont, John Charles | 9781498096720 | Belford, Clarke & Company | 2021 |
Memoirs of My Life By John Charles Fremont Part 2 | Fremont, John Charles | 9781169987470 | Belford, Clarke & Company | 2021 |
Merritt and the indian wars | Merritt, Wesley | n/a | The Johnson-Taunton Military Press | 1972 |
Military dictionary | Scott, Henry Lee | n/a | D. van Nostrand | 1861 |
Military dictionary | Scott, Henry Lee | n/a | Fort Yuma Press | 1984 |
My life in the old army | Doubleday, Abner | 0-87565-185-2 | Texas Christian University Press | 1998 |
New Jersey Butterfly Boys in the Civil War, The Hussars of the Union Army | Lubrecht, Peter T. | 9781540224460 | The History Press | 2011 |
No Disgrace to My Country, The Life of John C. Tidball | Tidball, Eugene C. | 0-87338-722-8 | The Kent State Univerity Press | 2002 |
Old Stars, the Life and Military Career of Major General Ormsby M. Mitchel ![]() | Headley, P. C. Rev. | n/a | n/a | 2023 |
On Many a Bloody Field, four years in the iron Brigade ![]() | Gaff, Alan D. | 0-253-33063-7 | Indiana University Press | 1996 |
Patten's cavalry drill and sabre exercise | Patten, George | n/a | Invictus | 2005 |
Personal and military history of Philip Kearny | Peyster de, John Watts | 9781346146300 | Arkose Press | 2015 |
Personal Memoirs of David S. Stanley | Stanley, David Sloane | 0-942211-57-X | Olde Soldier Books Inc. | 1987 |
Personal memoirs of U.S. Grant | Grant, Ulysses Simpson | 1598188992 | Aegypan Press | 2006 |
Personal Recollections and Observations of General Nelson A. Miles | Miles, Nelson Appleton | 9781497909342 | The Werner Company | 2021 |
Personal recollections of the civil war | Gibbon, John Oliver | n/a | Morningside Bookshop | 1988 |
Photographic history of the civil war | Miller, Francis Trevelyan | n/a | The Review of Reviews Co. | 1912 |
Photographic history of the civil war | Miller, Francis Trevelyan | n/a | Weider History Group Inc. | 2006 |
Prairie Traveler | Marcy, Randolph Barnes | 978-1-5042-0305-0 | Repressed Publishing LLC | 2015 |
Pretense of Glory, The Life of General Nathaniel P. Banks ![]() | Hollandsworth, James G. Jr. | 0-8071-3074-5 | Louisiana State University Press | 1998 |
Prudent Soldier, a Biography of Major General E. R. S. Canby ![]() | Heyman, Max L. | n/a | Los Angeles Valley College | 2023 |
Recollections of a civil war quartermaster | Le Duc, William G. | n/a | Gardner, Augustine V. | 1963 |
Recollections of the War of Rebellion - A story of the 2nd Ohio Volunteer Cavalry | Chester, Henry Whipple | 1-888379-00-6 | Wheaton History Center | 1996 |
Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 1860-'61 | Doubleday, Abner | 9781372524226 | Scholar Select | 2018 |
Revised U.S. army regulations 1863 | Unknown | n/a | Government Printing Office | 1863 |
Revised U.S. army regulations 1863 | Unknown | n/a | Fort Yuma Press | 1980 |
Rifle and light infantry tactics for the exercise and manoevres of troops when acting as light infantry or riflemen (1855) | Hardee, William J. | n/a | Lippincott, Grambo & Co. | 1855 |
Rifle and light infantry tactics for the exercise and manoevres of troops when acting as light infantry or riflemen (1855) | Hardee, William J. | n/a | Unknown | Unknown |
Rifles and rifle practice: an elementary treatise upon the theory of rifle firing, explaining the causes of inaccuracy of fire, and the manner of correcting it | Wilcox, Cadmus Marcellus | n/a | D. van Nostrand | 1861 |
Rock of Chikamauga, the life of General George H. Thomas | Cleaves, Freeman | 9780806119786 | University of Oklahoma Press | 1948 |
Rules for keeping the principal record books at the A.G.O. | Unknown | n/a | Government Printing Office | 1862 |
Sabre and Bayonet | Rodenbough, Theophilus Francis | n/a | G.W. Dillingham Co. | 2021 |
Scenes and adventures in the army | Cooke, Philip St. George | 978-1-5042-0304-3 | Repressed Publishing LLC | 2015 |
Scott's 900 (regulations for the 1st U.S. volunteer cavalry) | Swain, James B. | n/a | Baker & Godwin | 1863 |
Searching for George Gordon Meade | Huntington, Tom | 978-0-8117-0813-5 | Stackpole Books | 2013 |
Stand firm and fire low, The Civil War Writings of Colonel Edward E. Cross ![]() | Holden, Walter & Ross, William E. & Slomba Elizabeth | 1-58463-280-2 | University of New Hampshire | 2003 |
Sword an Pen | Glazier, Willard | n/a | P.W. Ziegler & Company | 1882 |
Tarnished Eagles - The Courts-Martial of Fifty Union Colonels and Lieutenant Colonels | Lowry, Thomas Power | 0-8117-1597-3 | Stackpole Books | 1997 |
Ten years in the ranks | Meyers, Augustus | 0548934460 | Kessinger Publishing | 2008 |
Ten years in the saddle - The Memoir of William W. Averell | Eckert, Edward K. & Amato, Nicholas J. | 0-89141-024-4 | Presidio Press | 1978 |
The 1863 laws of war | Unknown | 0811701336 | Stackpole Books | 2005 |
The army blue | Langellier, John P. | 0764304437 | Schiffer Publishing Ltd. | 1998 |
The Art of War | Jomini, Antoine Henri de | n/a | J.B. Lippincott & Co. | 1863 |
The Art of War | Jomini, Antoine Henri de | 9780978465247 | Legacy Books Press Classics | 2008 |
The artillery service in the war of the rebellion | Tidball, John Caldwell | 9781594161490 | Westholme Publishing LLC | 2011 |
The blue and the gray. Or, war is hell | Kilpatrick, Hugh Judson | n/a | Doubleday, Doran & Company Inc. | 1930 |
The Boy General - The Life and Careers of Francis Channing Barlow | Welch, Richard W. | 9780873388351 | The Kent State Univerity Press | 2003 |
The Business of Civil War, Military Mobilization and the State, 1861-1865 | Wilson, Mark R. | 0-8018-8348-2 | The Johns Hopkins University Press | 2006 |
The cavalry at Gettysburg | Longacre, Edward G. | 0803279418 | Bison Books | 1993 |
The civil war reenactor's blackpowder guide | Smith, David T. T. | 0966344308 | Rusty Musket Enterprises | 2006 |
The civil war through the camera | Elson, Henry William | n/a | Patriot Publishing Co. | 1912 |
The color-guard | Hosmer, James Kendall | 9781163846476 | Kessinger Publishing | 2010 |
The company clerk | Kautz, August Valentine | n/a | J.B. Lippincott & Co. | 1865 |
The company clerk | Kautz, August Valentine | n/a | Crescent City Sutler | Unknown |
The conquest of New Mexico and California | Cooke, Philip St. George | 978-1-5042-0303-6 | Repressed Publishing LLC | 2015 |
The counterrevolution of slavery | Sinha, Manisha | 0807825719 | The University of NC Press | 2000 |
The Delafield Commission and the American Military Profession | Moten, Matthew | 0-89096-925-6 | Texas A & M University Press | 2000 |
The edge of glory. A biography of General William S. Rosecrans | Lamers, William M. | 0-8071-2396-X | Louisiana State University Press | 1999 |
The Gettysburg campaign, a study in command | Coddington, Edwin B. | 0684845695 | Touchstone Edition | 1997 |
The Grand Design, Strategy and the U.S. Civil War | Stoker, Donald | 9780195373059 | Oxford University Press | 2010 |
The Handy Horse-Book | By a Cavalry Officer | 9781330278079 | Forgotten Books | 2019 |
The Horseman. Containing practical rules for riding, and for the selection of Horses | Hershberger, H.R. | n/a | Wilson & Company | 1847 |
The Horseman. Containing practical rules for riding, and for the selection of Horses | Hershberger, H.R. | 9781446004005 | Lightning Source UK Ltd. | 2010 |
The Life and Services of Major-General Henry Warner Slocum | Slocum, Charles Elihu | 9781113796608 | BiblioLife LLC | 2017 |
The Life and Times of Brevet Major General James S. Wadsworth ![]() | Mahood, Wayne | 0-306-81238-X | Da Capo Press | 2003 |
The Life of Cassius Marcellus Clay | Clay, Cassius Marcellus | n/a | J. Fletcher Brennan & Co. | 2021 |
The life of Gen. Philip H. Sheridan | Burr, Frank A. | n/a | J.A. & R.A. Reid | 1888 |
The Life of General Samuel K. Zook, Another Forgotten Union Hero ![]() | Gambone, A. M. | 0-935523-53-7 | Butternut and Blue | 1996 |
The Life of George Dashiell Bayard | Bayard, Samuel J. | n/a | G. P. Putnam's Sons | 1874 |
The Lion of Round Top, The Life and Military Service of Brigadier General Strong Vincent in the American Civil War ![]() | Myers, H. G. | 978-1-63624-111-1 | Casemate Publishers | 2022 |
The Man behind the Guns, A Military Biography of General Henry J. Hunt | Longacre, Edward G. | 9780306811548 | Da Capo Press | 2003 |
The maps of Gettysburg, an atlas of the Gettysburg campaign | Gottfried, Bradley M. | 1932714308 | Savas Beatie LLC | 2007 |
The memoirs of Henry Heth | Heth, Henry | 0837163897 | Greenwood Press | 1974 |
The military laws of the U.S. from the foundation to the year 1863 | Callan, John F. | n/a | George W. Childs | 1863 |
The military memoirs of General John Pope | Pope, John | 0-8078-2444-5 | The University of North Carolina Press | 1998 |
The ordnance manual for the use of the officers (third edition) | Unknown | n/a | J.B. Lippincott & Co. | 1862 |
The ordnance manual for the use of the officers (third edition) | Unknown | n/a | Ordnance Park Corporation | 1970 |
The perfect gentleman | Unknown | n/a | Dick & Fitzgerald | 1860 |
The Quartermaster, Montgomery C. Meigs, Lincoln's General, Master Builder of the Union Army ![]() | O'Harrow, Robert Jr. | 978-1-4516-7192-6 | Simon & Schuster | 2016 |
The recollections of a drummer-boy (1889) | Kieffer, Henry M. | 0548775133 | Kessinger Publishing | 2007 |
The regular army on the eve of the civil war | Ness, George T. | 0961267011 | Toomey Press | 1990 |
The Reminiscences of Major General Zenas R. Bliss, 1854-1876 | Bliss, Zenas R. | 9780876112267 | Texas State Historical Association | 2007 |
The Rocky Mountains, or Scenes, Incidents, and Adventures in the Far West | Irving, Washington | 9781355484714 | Scholar Select | 2019 |
The Slave Power | Richards, Leonard L. | 0807126004 | Louisiana State University | 2000 |
The story of a cavalry regiment - "scott's 900" 11th New York Cavalry | Smith, Thomas West | 9781343447394 | Palala Press | 2015 |
The sword exercise, arranged for military instruction | Wayne, Henry Constantine | n/a | Gideon & Co. | 1850 |
The union cavalry in the civil war | Starr, Stephen Z. | 0807104841 | Louisiana State University Press | 1979 |
Thirty years of army life on the border | Marcy, Randolph Barnes | 9781163405406 | Kessinger Publishing | 2010 |
Three years in the federal cavalry | Glazier, Willard | n/a | R.H. Ferguson & Company | 1873 |
To the Point, The United States Military Academy 1802-1902 ![]() | Pappas, George S. | 0-275-94329-1 | Praeger Publishers | 1993 |
Toward Gettysburg, a biography of General John F. Reynolds | Nichols, Edward J. | 0942211642 | Olde Soldier Books Inc. | 1987 |
U.S. Infantry tactics for the instruction, exercise, and manoeuvres of the soldier, a company, line of skirmishers, battalion, brigade or corps d'armée (1862) | Casey, Silas | n/a | D. van Nostrand | 1865 |
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