Documents - Forms

Some time ago I started to reprint forms from the era of the american civil war based upon original documents. The forms are created by word and / or excel and contain in parts graphics made with photoshop. They are printed with laser printers (up to format A3) and a plotter on the paper "Munken Pure" which is widely used in letterpress printing. Those who want to buy the forms, can reach me by the contact form on this side. I do not have a fixed price list and due to lack of time I cannot guarantee short-term deliveries.

Pay Department.


Estimate of funds required for the pay etc. of troops for which a Paymaster is responsible.


Receipt of funds received for the pay etc. of troops.

Adjutant General's Department.

Company Muster and Payroll.

This form was used to pay the members of a company.

It had to be filled out generally handwritten and fourfold bimonthly.
After mustering the troops the form was signed by the Inspector and one copy was sent to the Adjutant General's Office in Washington. The remaining copies were given to the Paymaster who reviewed them and calculated the pay for each member of the company. Afterwards the payments were made and acknowledged by signature.
One copy remained with the company, another one with the Paymaster and the last copy was sent to the Paymaster General's Office. The form is approximately 80cm width and 54cm high and printed on both sides. To faciliate the shipment it was folded four times.