Documents - Money

Beside of the reproduction of forms I have made reprints of paper-money from the era of the American Civil War. The first bills have been printed in 1861 to finance the war and because they were printed in green on the backside they were soon called "greenbacks". Until this time the only official currency in circulation have been coins in gold or silver. The bills are edited with Photoshop and are printed with a laser printer on the paper "Munken Pure". With a number stamp the serial numbers are applied afterwards. Those who want to buy the forms, can reach me by the contact form on this side.
U.S. Dollars.
I have reproduced the bills of the first series as follows: $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 und $100. The greatest two bills of the serie ($500 and $1'000) I have omitted as the probability of usage in a historic recreation is very small.
U.S. Cents.
Due to scarceness of materials since 1862 also the fractions of dollars, viz: cents, were issued as paper-money and they were called "fraction money". I have reprinted all bills of the first series, viz: $0.05, $0.10, $0.25 und $0.50.
Bundling and transportation.
Because I can print the paper-money in larger quantities, I had to find a way to store and transport the counted and bundled bills. Fortunately, the Department of the Treasury has already in 1861 used a currency band and beside of that I was able to acquire a small safe which was formerly used on Wells Fargo coaches.